Selasa, 20 November 2018

Native Mobile Apps vs Hybrid Mobile Apps

In the midst of increasingly advanced technological developments, many problems and human needs are being able to be helped using applications. From the difficulty of getting information to daily needs, we can order through the application. Many iOS and Android developers have sprung up to meet the needs of making applications. This situation is also a huge market area for developers who want to generate income through applications that are made.

     To help developers create mobile applications, many application platforms are now emerging using web programming languages such as Ionic, PhoneGap, and others. The emergence of these platforms mobile applications are currently divided into two types, namely native application and hybrid application.

     Native application is an application that is built with programming languages that are specific to a particular platform. The popular example is the use of the Objective-C or Swift programming language for the iOS (Apple) platform. The Android platform uses the Java programming language. Building native applications must provide an optimal product experience on mobile devices. Even so, a high budget is needed to build cross platform applications that are able to keep native applications updated.

      Hybrid application is a web application that is transformed into native code on platforms such as iOS or Android. Hybrid applications typically use browsers to allow web applications to access various features on mobile devices such as Push Notification, Contacts, or Offline Data Storage. Some tools for developing hybrid applications include Phonegap, Rubymotion and others. The advantages of building hybrid applications include project maintenance becoming easier when compared to native applications. Hybrid applications can be built quickly for cross platform and funds that can be more economical compared to native.


1. Why people use the applications on mobile phones?
2. How many platforms that used for web programming on applications? Then Mention it!
3. What’s name of programming languages for Android and iOS?
4. What’s the differents from Native Application and Hybrid Application?
5. Why the budget of making Native Application is more expensive than Hybrid Application?

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