Selasa, 20 November 2018

Comparison Processor Intel Vs AMD

Processor is a unit or component that processes the input and output commands If the motherboard is the heart of your system, the Central processing unit (CPU or Processor) is the brain. Choosing one of them right now is very complicated compared to before. Now there are only two competitors left in the market, and almost hundreds of different processors (when you consider models and speed) are a little dizzy to describe it.

That is:
Intel and AMD make processors that have the same class, more or less like a car manufacturer. AMD is cheaper than Intel, even though intel has a larger market share. The fastest thing to judge a processor is from its clock speed. This can be explained simply from operations that can be handled per second (a unit known as Hertz, ata Hz). To be clear, 3.0 Ghz can handle 3 billion operations per second. Of course, speed is not the only specification. The onboard cache and socket type are other defining factors. The onboard cache size varies between 512kb and 1 mb. 1mb is usually more expensive but better performance. The socket type determines which motherboard can be used. Usually socket names include the number of pins that the processor has. Obviously, socket 939 has 939 pins.

      There is one time where one gigaherzt (1 ghz) processor is unimaginable, of course, now is an old item. The most important part now is to realize that the processor is distinguished between 2.0 and 4.0 Ghz speed increases to be less important. Performance differences between high-end processors are the brand, and the low end processor, this is not much different. At the same time, the price factor also increases very sharply, with high end processors costing around 200 to 300 dollars more. You don't need to buy the fastest processor. You better look for motherboards with the latest specifications available. You don't need the fastest processor to have fun with your computer.

A. Intel

Is a multinational company based in the US and famous for microprocessor design and production and specializes in integrated circuits. Intel also makes network cards, motherboard chipsets, components, and other tools. Intel has an advanced research project in all aspects of semiconductor production, including MEMS. Intel changed its logo and slogan on January 1, 2006. The old slogan "Intel inside" was replaced with "Intel Leap ahead".

Some Intel processor products that exist today are:
  1. Intel® Pentium® 4
  2. Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core
  3. Intel® Core ™ 2 Duo
  4. Intel® Core ™ 2 Quad
  5. Intel® Core ™ 2 Extrme
  6. Intel® Core ™ i7

B. AMD (Advanced Micro Devices)

is an integrated circuit maker, processor or IC (integrated circuit) company headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, USA. The first factory was in Austin, Texas, America and the second factory was in Dresden, Germany, which was set to produce Athlon only. If all goes well, the dream of a cheaper PC system price can be realized because it is no longer monopolized by Intel. Also in 2006, AMD has successfully acquired the famous American Graphic company ATI Tecnology. This company is the second largest provider of x86-compatible processors. AMD has also been known to the world, some of its products are:

  1. AMD Sempron ™
  2. AMD Athlon ™ FX
  3. AMD Athlon ™ 64
  4. AMD Athlon ™ X2
  5. AMD Athlon ™ X3a
  6. Athlon ™ X4

Architecture. Both Intel and AMD use different views of the processor, namely from the processor architecture itself. In this case, nothing can be said to be superior or not. AMD integrates the memory controller into the processor, so the data path between the processor and chipset is shorter. Intel does not integrate this memory controller into the processor (although now that view has been changed with the presence of the Core i7 / codename Nehalem) and focuses more on planting internal memory on the processor. Both Intel and AMD have their respective advantages. For AMD, planting a memory controller that is often referred to as HyperTransport into the processor makes the transfer of data rates faster (because data doesn't have to wait from main memory), but makes the internal memory on the processor smaller. For Intel, the integration of large internal memory processors (derived from planting large numbers of transistors) makes it powerful in terms of multi-threading applications because it deals with the processor's main internal memory function (as temporary data storage to be processed by the processor), but less power in the price range. I, as the author, admit that Intel technology is above the level of AMD technology. Therefore, users must pay more for an Intel processor.

Daily Use. If you hear the words of people, AMD is more intended for gaming, while Intel is aimed at heavy applications. This view is almost correct, because in terms of gaming there is no need for large processor memory (often called L2 Cache) but fast data transfer (now taken over by the GPU). Intel is much more fun being forced to play with many applications because of its large internal memory compared to AMD classmates.

Frequency and chipset. I combine these two things because they are related to one another. But before that, one thing I want to emphasize, do not compare the frequency of AMD and Intel. For example, AMD Sempron 3000+ 1.8GHz processor with an Intel Pentium 4 1.8Ghz does not mean having the same speed, It has been emphasized from the beginning, because AMD integrates HyperTransport into its processor, so the process of transferring data becomes faster. (Look at AMD and Intel products on the market. If you are keen on looking at the market, AMD products almost rarely have frequencies greater than 3GHz (both socket 754 and 939/940 (AM2)). AMD with speed 1 , 8GHz, actually the performance is the same as Intel 2.2GHz. (There is no definitive calculation formula for this, but the reality is that.) For small Intel frequencies, this is not a big obstacle for Intel. many as good chipset manufacturers on the Intel motherboard platform, the R & D (research and development) for Intel chipsets is growing with (since the Intel era with Specifics, especially over socket 478 overclocking, many motherboards with Intel chipsets on the market, ranging from series 845 to 975X. Whereas AMD, just integrating it from the AMD 600 series chipset chipset used for AM2 sockets) So, don't be surprised if the Intel processor can be pulled up to stamp a 4GHz clock speed is more just by using air cooling and even stock cooling, while AMD has already been forced to run at 4GHz even though it uses phase cooling.

Onboard graphics. For this chapter, I prefer to directly give champions to the AMD platform. Because, many motherboards with AMD platforms use chipsets with integrated graphics from Nvidia and ATI Radeon which are very adequate in terms of graphics, inversely proportional to Intel. The time before AMD's merger with ATi was done, many motherboard manufacturers use the nVidia chipset on AMD motherboards (in addition to the AMD chipset itself), while on Intel motherboards this also exists, but most are limited to SLI-capable chipsets (nForce 590, nForce 680 ) This is due to indirect competition between Intel and nVidia. (when AMD and ATI join .... even nvidia's intellart war).

Onboard Intel graphics? Don't expect it ... Even though Intel has released the GMA X4500 graphics chipset that already supports DX10 and Aero features on Vista, it's still very much better than NVidia and ATI.
Overheating. A little illustration, when I asked what he knew about AMD, he said that the AMD processor was hot fast. (talking about the default conditions ... not after overclock). Yes, when compared to Intel Dualcore E2xxx with Athlon X2 4 / 5xxx (processor internal memory, 1MB), the Athlon is hotter faster. Why? My personal opinion, AMD is hot faster because with a large clock speed, the heat generated is also large. This is the case with cooling from AMD which is quite large with a square shape and a fan that has an airflow per second is small, of course it is faster heat. Actually, there is little to do with physics, the bigger the media, the heat propagation will also be longer, so the heat from the processor to be discharged by the fan through the heatsink will be much longer than the small fan heatsink. (now, cooling Intel is getting thinner isn't it the size?)


1. The instruction set on Intel is MMX, SSE, SSE2, and SSE3, but on AMD SSE2 and 3DNow. But of the many instructions used by Intel it actually already exists in AMD's 3DNow which is not owned by Intel.

2. L1 on Intel's maximum 32K, while on AMD is 128K. Based on several AMD tests with the 128K L1 superior to Intel.

3. Many transistors on Intel 100 billion are AMD 105 billion.

4. There are fewer Decoders, Integers, and FPs on Intel than AMD significantly the difference increases the performance of AMD.

5. The temperature on Intel can be set by the processor itself (the processor will reduce speed if the processor is too hot), the maximum temperature in AMD64 is 900C. Intel technology is superior to AMD.

6. AMD is superior in processing communication applications, such as data transfer on modems, ADSL, MP3, and Doubly Digital Suround Sound.

7. Intel's pipeline is longer than AMD, but the Intel pipeline has problems with task exchanges, so the Intel pipeline slows down under AMD.

8. Intel wins in its brand image and market, while AMD has a cheaper price.

9. In standard Intel Pentium 4 processors, performance is quite fast. Indeed, for the masshi graphics business lost compared to AMD, but at least the Intel processor does not heat up quickly.

10. On AMD Athlon processors prices are rather cheap compared to Intel. The graphics are really good, the speed is pretty good, but it's really hot compared to Intel.

The conclusion is as follows:

1. To use an Intel processor you have to spend a lot of money especially with the high performance generated by Intel processors, namely Intel i7 compared to AMD processors you will not spend a lot of cost and performance is also good. Therefore, for those of you who have mediocre costs, choose an AMD processor, but if you have more costs, please choose an Intel processor.

2. Intel processors and AMD processors have been tested for performance, it turns out that Intel processors are strong in any case, while AMD processors are only your second choice.

3. Intel processors are stronger than AMD's processors in multimedia applications, whereas AMD processors win from Intel processors in their gaming and 3D programs.

4. It turns out that AMD has a smart detecting feature, for example when we do multi-tasking, AMD will detect which one we are using, from which AMD will focus on the application that we are using while the other side is for temporary sleep

5. INTEL is more focused on speed so this is what causes INTEL to heat faster than AMD

Even the latest news now:

1. Intel has the INTEL MATRIX STORAGE feature, its function is to maximize the work of processors and help in memory management

2. Even though AMD lost in various Benchmark tests but most gamers chose AMD as a processor for their computers

3. Regarding motherboard sockets, if AMD issues the latest socket type, the socket type that previously would not be on the market (inversion) is inversely proportional to intel even though the old type must still be supported even updated

Intel vs AMD Processors refers to the benchmark for the following aspects:
1. Clockspeed
2. Overclocking
3. Core
4. Threading (Single Threading and Multi Threading)
5. Gaming
6. price


1. what is meant by the processor?
2. mention the important parts of the processor!
3. specify the types of intel and amd processors!
4. mention the advantages and disadvantages of Intel and Amd in terms of performance!
5. Intel Core Vs AMD Ryzen processor, an Amd processor or an Intel processor?

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