Selasa, 20 November 2018


Today,  we know technology is very rapidly developing. This technology is basically made to facilitate human life. Starting from the communication that had to use letters before  until now with video call technology. Besides that,  technology is also growing rapidly in the field of transportation, which  we used animal power in the past, but now we can travel using a motorbike. Do you know how far  technology has developed at this time? we know that technology has no limits to development, but do you know that nowadays there is a human robot? which robot is made as closely as possible with humans.

     Sophia is a humanoid robot developed by Hong Kong-based company Hanson Robotics. The robot is designed to provide answers to questions, and has been "interviewed" throughout the world. In October 2017, the robot became a citizen of Saudi Arabia, the first robot to win citizenship from a country

      Sophia is activated on April 19, 2015. This robot is inspired by actress Audrey Hepburn and known for human appearance and behavior like previous robot variants. According to the person who designed it, David Hanson, Sophia uses artificial intelligence, visual data processing and facial recognition. Sophia also mimics human gestures and facial expressions and is able to answer certain questions and to have simple conversations about predetermined topics (ex:  about the weather).

     Hanson designed Sophia to be a suitable friend for parents in nursing homes, or to help people at large events or activities in the park. He hopes that this robot can finally interact with other human beings to taste enough to gain social skills. It is not impossible if the world will produce many robots which can replace the role of humans. most of us might agree with the existence of  robots to make their lives easier, but on the other hand they can take over all the roles that humans should do.  Like movie films that have been made with the theme of robots that control the human world such as terminators, transformers and so on it is not impossible if this world can be controlled by human creation itself.


1. Who was create shopia?
2. Where is shopia live?
3. Do you ever heard sophia before? What do you think about shopia?
4. Do you agree if we say that  technology is rapidly developing?
5. What do you think about human vs robot? 

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