Selasa, 20 November 2018

Utilizing Technological Advancements In The Field Of Education

Technological progress has not touched various field of life, both in the fields of information, communication, government, social, culture. The field of edutation is also not escaped by technology. With the advancement of technology, every educational institution either school, university or others can be used to improve the quality of education.

One of them is using the internet to implement education, with the internet, everyone is free to use it, provided there are supporting tools. Starting from managing the education administration online, most school and universities are now registered online. Many teachers and lecturers who apply online examinations do not have to be face-to-face,even the ministry of education has carried out national exams online.

The intenet in the teaching and learning process also has many benefits, including students or students, can be as satisfied as learning many things on the internet, noble from looking for material, reading articles, reading the latest for learning and discussion materials and also study online absent online for universities.


1. What are the benefits of technology in the field of education?
2. what are the benefits of the internet in the teaching and learning process?
3. agree or not if technology is influential in education?
4. what is only in education that requires technological progress?
5. what fields need the benefits of technological progress?

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